Peacekeepers play an important role in the GG Gamers community. They not only help with keeping the peace they are there for helping and assisting with questions, problems and difficulties that users may be experiencing in or with our main channels.

What we look for:

  • Maturity and good character
  • Activity within the community (Must be active)
  • Commitment and effort towards GG Gamers (While we don’t expect you to spend your entire life on the community, a little bit of commitment and effort can go a long way).
  • Clear understanding of the community guidelines
GG Moderator Team Application
Applications are reviewed and processed as soon as possible. Additional information, interviewing and a probational period may be required before a final decision.
What's your preferred name?
(IE JohnDoe#4321)

Moderators are Peacekeepers

Scenerio: Moderator

A community member is spamming the general chat with a meme that borders on offensive. He has been asked multiple times by staff to stop, but has continued to post over several days at different times. A community member reaches out to share their concerns.
Put some thought in to it, your introduction will be used on our website and other platforms when we promote you!